Club Presidents (Fiscal Years) We have been fortunate to enjoy members who appreciated and enjoyed the company and camadarie of fellow Singaporeans; some with foreign counterparts.
The line of presidency has always been volunteers who chose to devote a little of their time to ensure the longevity of the fellowship, welcoming new member arrivals and maintaining the Singapore in all of us.
1989 - Ken Lieu 1990 - Allan Koh 1992 - John Overree 1998 - Alex Chan 1999 - John Overree 2001 - Chris Boduch 2002 - Lee Stout 2003 - John and Linda Overree 2004 - Joe Goh 2009 - Kenny Kwong 2012 - Ranjit Dulip 2015 - Michelle Loo 2018 - Rafiq Salleh (TBC) 2020 - Francis Nathan 2022 - Rohit Dhar / Francis Nathan 2023 - Pat Qwek